My previous posts have all been about sections built quite awhile back. Currently I have done nothing except work on the South side of the airport. From the cargo center, I expanded northwards to give me a little piece of runway to use as a background. From there I went west and continued to build parts of 25L and 25R. Next step will be to start on the FedEx ramp adjacent to the cargo center to the west.
I opted for keeping the runway boards parallel with the runway itself and angling any board that will be south of the runways. This created a wedge area that needed to be filled in, hence the triangle portion north of the ICC.
Another board was then added to lengthen 25L. The blank boards with the jets on them will be the future DHL/FedEx ramp. In this photo above, I had not begun to build 25R.
Here is the current layout as of May 2014 (excluding the cargo center and Terminal 3). Note the second piece of 25R has been started but is not complete.