Tuesday, July 1, 2014

25R update

Finally got around to working on my 25R piece again this week. Taxilines were painted for the taxiway Juliet intersection as well as all the little yellow lines along the taxiway. I then outlined all the taxi striping with a black sharpie marker. This really covers the little flaws in the yellow lines. I used a pinstriping brush for the taxi lines and was very pleased. Much faster than masking and fairly straight.
After that I was ready to begin scoring the concrete areas to make it look more like concrete sections. I use a giant drywall T square I bought from the Home Depot which works really nice. Using a pocket knife I carefully slice down the length of the runway and then come back and do the opposite side. Watch your fingers when doing this. I ended slicing into my left pointer finger going to fast. After a trip to the LAX urgent care, I was back at it although 3 hours later.

Now with the lines cut into the concrete areas it was time to dirty them up a little. Normally I use a grimy black powder I picked up at a Model Railroad shop but thats in my hangar and not at home. I experimented with using a wash (50/50 water and black acrylic paint). It worked to get into the grooves I had cut but didn't give the right effect for the tire rubber marks. Under all of the black rubber which I'll add later are thousands of tiny skidmarks. These are made using a black china marker and making tiny little skids all down the touchdown area. 

25L with the runway rubber added

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