Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Adding grass

Now with almost all of the painting complete on my 25R panel, its time to add a little grass. Its basically the same as doing the dirt. Mix water and white glue (I use wood glue) and then brush it onto the areas you want to have greenery. Sporadically adding it helps unless you are going for a fully grassed area. At LAX the areas between the runways are usually only green during the winter months but i think it looks nicer so thats the season period Im going with. Lightly sprinkle the grass on and then tamp it down with the palm of your hand or something flat and heavy. Its going to get a little messy. Let it dry for a good while before brushing away the excess.

Glue added lightly where I want the grass

Loosely sprinkle fake grass over glue. Multiple colors look more realistic
Tamp it all down with the palm of your hand or other.

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